What's in a KDD
Knowledge Drill Down
Divide, conquer, evaluate, learn.
What's in a KDD
The main part of the kdd is at the top or top left in blue. It contains title, description and optional image. To the right of the title is an indicator to say if the kdd has been marked in need of update and the search button. Clicking on this allows a text search of the current and all child kdds.
If an "eye" marker is present beneath the description, it indicates that the kdd is public. A 'megaphone' icon indicates the kdd will appear on the kdd front page.
Below that is an optional image.
Below that is a box containing the main textual information.
If the kdd has children, they will be shown on the right in green. Clicking on one will replace the active kdd on the left with the selected kdd.
At the bottom will be one or more buttons: